Talking Prices with Justin from the Fulfillment Factor

​I’ve been talking prices once again. No shock there. I ​sat down last month with Justin Damian Furness ​on the Fulfillment Factor to have a chat about pricing.

Justin uses this platform to support startups by sharing personal journeys, relevant topics, helping them get exposure ​and much more.   ​

​So grab yourself a cup of your favorite beverage, pull up a comfy chair, ​have seat and listen. ​​We had a great time during the conversation. It’s full of great tips for how you can shift your mindset (and why it’s important to do so) as well as how you can start pricing better now. Keeping it simple is key.

In this interview we ​discuss a few different important aspects of pricing like pitfalls that we need to be aware of. Some of the biggest challenges that get in people’s way. We also look at what can be done to start mitigating those pitfalls and challenges.  

​When you’re done be sure to like the session on FB and go ahead and share it with others.

​Coming up soon: new podcast interviews, so don’t forget to check back in for new ideas, thoughts, tips and strategies around pricing in your business.

Until next time, enjoy pricing!​

Join the conversation.

The 3rd Wednesday of the month we look at topics like…

AUG Are discounts and promotional offers effective in attracting and retaining new customers?
SEP 3 myths of raising prices that keep you from taking action
OCT Knowing when to talk price with your customers
NOV Is it better the undercut the competition or focus on value when setting prices?

DON’T FORGET to add the dates to your calendar. You’ll receive an email confirmation for the date you registered. There’s a link in there to “add dates* click on that to make the magic happen. Join one, a few or all. Note we usually meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

By registering to this event you will be added to my email list and receive updates about these events, as well as other great pricing content and resources. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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