I'm Janene,
I'll help you:
Improve your profits
Feel confident
about your prices
Work less & earn more
Increase your prices
Charge for the
value you deliver

The Price Point Monthly Events
Get pricing tips & insights to build & grow your business
Let’s tackle your profit problem together!
I’m here to help you create a sustainably profitable business by ensuring your pricing strategy is right and by optimizing how you implement pricing. Let’s set you up for success so you can serve your clients for the long term.
Pricing can either help or hurt your business. Which one do you choose?
When your pricing strategy is right...
It reflects the value, of your unique gifts and talents.
You can effectively communicate & manage prices with certainty.
You will build sustainable profit in your business.
Improve profits
Consulting for small businesses and start-ups
Pricing is an underutilized business tool – it’s also your biggest profit lever! Your pricing strategy can either help you meet your goals or silently sabotage your business behind the scenes.
Is your business as profitable as you’d like it to be? Together we’ll work on the aspect(s) of price that turns your purpose into prosperity.

Feel more confident
Pricing coaching for micro businesses
Are you avoiding pricing discussions?
Feeling uncertain about the prices you charge?
Stumbling when a client asks your price?
A clear pricing strategy helps you understand what to charge & enables you to confidently communicate the value you deliver. All the while building profit in your business.
Check out these complimentary offers.
How I became The Pricing Lady
Like many people I didn’t know Pricing was a career track. I stumbled upon it early in my career and was instantly fascinated by the logical puzzle it presented.
This deep interest led me to work through my pricing professional certification and along with my extensive commercial career made me a most trusted Business Strategist and Expert in Pricing & Value Management. for small businesses.
But there’s more to pricing than pure logic and an official certificate. What makes it so fascinating is how to combine hard facts and figures to emotions, mindset and confidence. As well as, how it influences everything in your business. Yes, that is what it takes to get more profit for your business.
One word of warning though: my passion for pricing is contagious! The chances are that working with me will cause you to get excited about your pricing, too.
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Want to start moving the needle today?
Check out my pricing podcast and start your journey to better prices and profit.