Episode 64 | Live with the Pricing Lady (Thursdays 15.00 CET)
How can you make finding the right prices easier? By starting with a single target customer group.
Many entrepreneurs are afraid to choose a single target customer group. They fear by doing so they won’t sell to anyone else.
The opposite is true.
By being too general in who you’re targeting you will weed out many people because your message and offer will be too general to be intriguing. More importantly a general offer leads to below average prices. To make finding the right prices easier you need to get specific.
In this episode of Live with the Pricing Lady I share with you the 5 reasons starting with one target customer group can make it easier to set the right prices and feel more confident about what you charge.Here’s what I covered:
- 0:23 Everyone-itis
- 1:11 Clarity
- 2:05 Tailored offers
- 2:40 Meaningful prices
- 4:02 Value communication
- 4:56 Build out as you grow
- 6:07 Risky business
- 6:41 Segment & prioritize
- 8:55 The Challenge
- “Too broad an audience…generalists in the market command lower than average prices.” The Pricing Lady
- “Everyone-itis. …Get as much sales as they can…and their way of doing that is trying to serve everony.” The Pricing Lady
Link to the 10-Day Customer Value Challenge.
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Until next time Enjoy Pricing!