Customer Willingness

to pay

DIY Survey Guide & Tool

What Are Your Customers Willing to Pay?


Sometimes we think we know what the best price for our offer is. Often we’re just guessing.

The best people to ask are your potential customers.  But there’s an art to asking in the right questions in the right way. That’s what you need to know.

Your customers may see so much value in your offer that they’re willing to pay 10 times more than your current price – and you wouldn’t even know!

You can use this Do-It-Yourself guide & Tool. Run your own customer willingness to pay survey and break through the bias barrier. Know the clear cut questions that enable you to assess how customers view value and understand what they might be willing to pay.

Use this guide & tool to...



Data that clearly shows the range of prices your customers are willing-to-pay.



What your potential customer perceives as too much/too little to pay for your service or product.



How effectively you're communicating the value your products or services bring.



Confidence in your pricing & communication, backed by data. It's that simple!

No more guessing, know what clients REALLY think. How valuable is that?

Willingness To Pay Survey DIY Guide

Note: Tool is Google Sheets based and can also be used in Excel. Computer not included.


Imagine the what’s possible when you understand customer willingness to pay. Gather real customer data using this survey & consolidate the results with the tool.  Elevate your pricing. Gain a clear insight to your customer’s thoughts. Is knowing that worth 500 CHF, 1000 CHF, 5000 CHF or more?

For a small investment of 197 CHF get step-by-step instructions and a simple excel-based tool to do your own survey. Understand how much customers are willing-to-pay and take the next step to achieve your business goals. 

Don't take my word for it. Read what others have to say my methods.

“I was very fortunate to attend Janene’s workshop and learn about pricing right from the start of my entrepreneurial journey. Thanks to Janene’s workshop, Pricing Confidently, I was able to look at the pricing mechanics from an entirely different perspective. Most importantly, I learned how to communicate my value and proposals confidently.”

Blanka Campbell

Nutrition & Wellbeing Expert

“I used to avoid everything that had to do with pricing. Now, I believe in what I do and my whole business is on a different level. I highly recommend working with Janene, because she can do the same for you.”

Christoph Kirn

Wortschatz, German Language Coaching for Architects

“I strongly recommend Janene to anyone setting up a business. Before our work I wasn’t sure if my idea of pricing was legitimate. After, I had a custom pricing model – now it feels like the right strategy.”

Gesa Bury

Founder, BURY | WALZ Healthcare Brand Consulting

How I became The Pricing Lady

Like many people I didn’t know Pricing was a career track. I stumbled upon it early in my career and was instantly fascinated by the logical puzzle it presented.

This deep interest led me to work through my pricing professional certification and made me Europe’s most trusted pricing expert for small businesses.

But there’s more to pricing than pure logic and an official certificate. What makes pricing so fascinating is how to combine hard facts and figures to emotions, mindset and confidence. It’s a formula that combines logic, creativity and psychology.

One word of warning though: my passion for pricing is contagious! The chances are that working with me will cause you to get all excited about your pricing, too.

Ready to survey your customers?

Ever wondered...

Which customers .

If so this guide is precisely what you need.

The customers you choose to focus on, set the tone for your business. How you work, what you offer, how you offer it, what you charge and more.

This simple guide will help you think through which customer segments could be the most suitable for your business.

Ever wondered...

Should I Put My .

If so this guide is precisely what you need.

This is a strategic pricing decision. That’s great news. It means that by answering a few simple questions you can get to the answer.

12 questions with explanations and a simple checklist plus little critical thinking will help you decide the best course of action.