the 5 Steps to Pricing Success

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Get on the road to Business Success

You can’t feel confident about what you don’t know

When you know what pricing is and what to do, you make better business decisions. Better decisions lead to a more successful business. You’ll feel more confident. Communicating your value and talking prices with customers gets easier. Get on your way to pricing success.


To get you on the road to pricing success we'll look at...


what pricing is

learn the 3 biggest myths & find out what pricing REALLY is.


why it's important

find out why pricing is the biggest profit lever & what it means


the 5 steps

understand the steps to build a solid base for sustainable profit.


where to start

reflect on what you're doing and figure out where to get started.

I can absolutely recommend Janene!

She helped us to define and understand our services and the clients. It changed our mindset of pricing. It all works what she says.


CEO, Clinical Lead, Founder at Source Medicine Institute

Don't take my word for it. Read what others have to say.

“Women, in particular, have a hard time setting prices that accurately reflect the value of their goods or services. It’s been useful to get under this and understand the drivers. Ultimately, if the pricing is not right, the business is just a hobby…until it runs out of money.”

Vicki Kirn

Business Owner | Basel Bagel

“Before Janene’s pricing workshop I knew my self-worth but didn’t think people would be willing to pay that price. I was too nervous to increase my prices. A week after I put my prices up and have seen a positive reaction.”

Monika Mueller

Image consultant

“I was very fortunate to attend Janene’s workshop and learn about pricing right from the start of my entrepreneurial journey. Thanks to Janene’s workshop, Pricing Confidently, I was able to look at the pricing mechanics from an entirely different perspective. Most importantly, I learned how to communicate my value and proposals confidently.”

Blanka Campbell

Nutrition & Wellbeing Expert

How I became The Pricing Lady

Like many people I didn’t know Pricing was a career track. I stumbled upon it early in my career and was instantly fascinated by the logical puzzle it presented.

This deep interest led me to work through my pricing professional certification and made me Europe’s most trusted pricing expert for small businesses.

But there’s more to pricing than pure logic and an official certificate. What makes pricing so fascinating is how to combine hard facts and figures to emotions, mindset and confidence. It’s a formula that combines logic, creativity and psychology.

One word of warning though: my passion for pricing is contagious! The chances are that working with me will cause you to get all excited about your pricing, too.

If you're ready to learn more join me.

Ever wondered...

Which customers .

If so this guide is precisely what you need.

The customers you choose to focus on, set the tone for your business. How you work, what you offer, how you offer it, what you charge and more.

This simple guide will help you think through which customer segments could be the most suitable for your business.

Ever wondered...

Should I Put My .

If so this guide is precisely what you need.

This is a strategic pricing decision. That’s great news. It means that by answering a few simple questions you can get to the answer.

12 questions with explanations and a simple checklist plus little critical thinking will help you decide the best course of action.