October 2018

Understanding Customer WIllinginess To Pay

Scary Moment of Truth: What’re Customers Really Willing to Pay?

Solid execution of value pricing requires an understanding of customer willingness-to-pay (WTP). To effectively implement the best prices, let’s spend a little time digging into the willingness-to-pay. Our target with pricing – find the best prices for you and your customers, then implement them effectively. ​Define customer willingness-to-pay  ​​Customer WTP is the maximum amount of

Scary Moment of Truth: What’re Customers Really Willing to Pay? Read More »

Ever wondered...

Which customers .

If so this guide is precisely what you need.

The customers you choose to focus on, set the tone for your business. How you work, what you offer, how you offer it, what you charge and more.

This simple guide will help you think through which customer segments could be the most suitable for your business.

Ever wondered...

Should I Put My .

If so this guide is precisely what you need.

This is a strategic pricing decision. That’s great news. It means that by answering a few simple questions you can get to the answer.

12 questions with explanations and a simple checklist plus little critical thinking will help you decide the best course of action.